Monday, August 9, 2010

Memoirs of a big brother

So I'm at church last night, I'm exhausted cause i worked all day. I have friends showing up and I'm totally scatter brained anyways. And as I'm walking around saying the usual hello's and introducing my friends that came, a friend (who is a girl) makes light of an overbearing guy situation, not necessarily hers. said "dude" is schmoing on her to get to her friend. I made the usual offer of castration and torture. A few minutes later he walks behind her and pats her arm with the back of his hand. she winces and then explains "thats him." A few minutes later I saw him walking by again and I was poised and ready, I saw her brace for the nudge and I was ready to balls him. but allas he simply walked by this time. this isn't too out of the ordinary really.
Later durring the service I get a txt from another girl who was on a long drive home that day "I'm about home, thought you'd like to know" and not a minute later someone hands me a note, it was the girl from the lobby earlier "thanks for making me feel protected and safe"  ... this starts the holding back of tears for the whole rest of the sermon. Where are the men?? Why are they thanking me? why do I now have to be careful with some of these girls so that I don't invite the openness of affection from them. I don't want the wrong ideas, I'm a protecter. Ladies: your SO valuable. I want you to know it, and I want the guys your around to know it more!!!! But I'm constantly met with surprise when i stand in the gap for someone. Why?? THIS SHOULD BE NORMAL!!!! the scales are tipped the wrong way. this is my rant, and now I'm being kicked out of the coffee shop...rant to continue later

1 comment:

  1. still waiting for the continuation. aaaaaand.... nada
