Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Disconnected, disjointed, fragmented... like a vacuum cleaner that still gets run around on the floor but isn't plugged in, you can click the button all you want, but its not gonna do its job very well. Tired of perfunctory "bliss." Smile and wave. Act on the fringe of wantonness. Full in awareness, at least you have that right... um... yeah... right. Never, not, or not now.... never seams to never be never here... or is that ever? The bible is so clear about how vague it is. Choose... but then you choose what you cant choose, and you've made a wonderful choice actually. because that makes sense. After all, nothing makes sense to make sense... that wouldn't make sense would it? Not by experience. But its not like you can really decide anyway, you place your bets and walk away rich or poor. It was the same bet... but now your broke, fine fine... or maybe rich (call me a cynic). and on that note, I'm gonna go eat pizza.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Character of unbelief

I've been thinking about character allot lately, which is nothing abnormal, I think about character often. One particular facet of character though has been most in my mind. It's the contrast that I see between Christians and non Christians. As I usually do I only tell a surmised conclusion of whatever I'm thinking and not really how i got there. [A thing that i find funny because it used to annoy the crap out of parents] And so I posted the concise version of my thoughts on my Facebook saying that:" Non-Christians go to hell with twice the character than Christians take to heaven." But I thought for fun I'd actually tell you the rationale behind it, (mostly because of comments people have made to me.) 
Under character I consider: Integrity, ethic (work and social), Honor, Honesty (down to which I include intent to deceive), Courage, fortitude, patience etc.  My observation is that I see more of this showing through the lives of people outside of Christianity than inside. The point was made on the status that Christians have a higher standard of character found in the bible than non Christians do in whatever source they site. And yes, that’s true the bible does depict a standard, however if you believe that all truth emanates from God than all men are held to biblical standard regardless of their recognition. A truly biblical view puts man completely on an equal plain. Siting that Christians exhibit less character because of higher standards is moral relativism. Which, honestly, is what I believe the problem is in Christianity; we treat people like we're on a bell and of course you can imagine where we put ourselves on the curve. Its a mindset problem, (not a small one by the way) and I believe that it leads to either seeing an impossible thing and therefore not trying; or a much sadder, more destructive conclusion that we achieve this standard simply by being a Christian. Honestly thats the one I see more of I think. It’s an assumption that your magically a better person because you’re on the side of truth. That’s pretty arrogant, oh yeah, and completely naive. You become a Christian because of something that someone else did for you remember? Why do you think the bible states so many warnings for how we live and love in this world? As far as living goes, Christians do have a source of understanding truth, it’s the combination of God’s word and Gods ministry to us, aka reading your bible and having the Holy Spirit. This is a point that I had some agreement on, even though it wasn't something I disputed... what I disputed is that despite the advantage that Christians DO have to be leaders in morals and personal character, we completely suck! Ask a business man which he would rather have working for him and a strong majority will take a non Christians any day. But wait... don't all the warnings teach Christians to watch their lives so that people can see their faith? Oh, people can see your faith, more than I think you know. People have a phony meter and they can see how genuine your beliefs, and your character are. I have a bible degree and I'd rather hang out with the average person on a street corner or talk with random people in a restaurant than go to lunch with someone after church. Character doesn't save you from hell, or earn you heaven, Christ is the difference, A God that trades places with you. So why does my conclusion surprise you? Why do you assume that the Elitist of peoples will be in heaven? Don’t we see different in the bible. Jesus says “its not the healthy that need a doctor but the sick.” Won’t heaven be filled with messed up people…  If you can answer that than answer this… why do you assume that you’re not one of the messed up? I find most Christians put themselves in the “not so messed up” category. Shame, because I believe its assumptions like that that place higher character in non-Christians. They still care if they have integrity, care about respect, and want to be an honorable person. So now you have my thoughts, you have my conclusions…post your thoughts… 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

the rhymes of the times that slip my mind; Day in... and day out. Phrases define the thoughts that negate my mind; forgotten by the tongue; inability to redefine  they bypass the security they'd provide. why's it so hard to find that instead in the divine. Words and wonders, understood and unpacked is the "hope" I attract my means to. to understand to comprehend even the recesses and processes that I possess. course it never gets lonely in there, there's more than I can share... to myself evidently. Much less a world or even a person that I care for or intend for... and what about wait for?!  ...Oh to wait for. Where's the line drawn between romance afar and delusion amidst? am I to know?... Or am i to simply risk? Imagination seams to be my blessing and my course. When the what if's and could be's seam like should and would be's. Am I wrong, am I gone?....hmm; gone? To be wrong in the end seams less than a loss, lower than under, because wrong doesn't mean have or haven't any more; but how could and you shouldn't. I understand the place these rhymes lead your mind. but its not up to your mind to decipher mine. there's allot of hands but only two I see. one that presses and waits for me... one that covers the head of shame; and on the other hand lies all the other hands you see. More you ask...ha!... I know there are but those are the two that I shake. And there is more that baffles my mind, that steals my thoughts and takes my time. but not this time, this time is that time and I'll do that another time.,