Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Disconnected, disjointed, fragmented... like a vacuum cleaner that still gets run around on the floor but isn't plugged in, you can click the button all you want, but its not gonna do its job very well. Tired of perfunctory "bliss." Smile and wave. Act on the fringe of wantonness. Full in awareness, at least you have that right... um... yeah... right. Never, not, or not now.... never seams to never be never here... or is that ever? The bible is so clear about how vague it is. Choose... but then you choose what you cant choose, and you've made a wonderful choice actually. because that makes sense. After all, nothing makes sense to make sense... that wouldn't make sense would it? Not by experience. But its not like you can really decide anyway, you place your bets and walk away rich or poor. It was the same bet... but now your broke, fine fine... or maybe rich (call me a cynic). and on that note, I'm gonna go eat pizza.

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