Monday, August 31, 2009


em⋅pa⋅thy (em-puh-thee)
"the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another."

1.2 million children interring sex trade every year...this means that every minute two children are trafficked for sexual exploitation; every minute... estimations of up to 300,000 children are in prostitution in the U.S. alone, of those, anywhere between 100,00-150,000 are slaves.

Shocking...I know! angry...I KnOw*&!^!...mad enough to kill... yeah...I know. I was listening last night as someone was sharing their stories; and it hurt! it sucked! It was a kind of uncomfortable that you cant describe. That you cant shake. I don't mind a good fight but I mind this one. I don't even like the thought of fighting it. Having to fight it... needing to fight it! The guy sharing said that he wanted to run and not even have to think bout it...I know how he feels, but then he said: "but what about that kid, they don't get to look away, they don't get to take a breather, they don't get to say that they've had enough, to cry "no more!"... cause he's a slave. a prisoner, in body, yes.... but the bondage is so much deeper than that now. You think you can't sleep at night, what memory of his day is keeping him awake tonight... What?..."don't go there" you say. It's hard to ignore isn't it? its hard to get out of your head isn't it? its hard not to throw up... isn't it? how does Empathy register with you now..."vicarious experience" anyone? Normally I'd apologies for making people think about these things. I hate this so much that I work hard so that the people I love NEVER have these memories in their head... even if they are only empathy, or a dream... but this time, i don't feel as its my place to apologize. I don't feel right brushing this off. cause thats what an apology would be. I don't even know where to begin to even sort through this...LORD where are you? you're with them right?'re holding them; and crying with them, right? But hang on God, you died for even their pimps? offer their "clients" grace...I still don't get you sometimes. I wish I had your capacity to forgive, to redeem, I know that sin is sin. I know: I really know; that I'm no better than them without You...but I still can't wrap my head around it. I've tasted your grace, I know where my salvation comes from, I have no delusions as to who I am without you... but this still seams impossible for me. I'm just being honest. I wish I could be spiritual enough to say that this issue was the same as other sins to me (and don't sit there and applaud my sincerity...I"M in the the wrong!) I don't even know where to put this in my head. I know that where it lies isn't right, because it lies somewhere between pain and rage. But this does deepen my understanding of you... you will wipe away every tear. And what that verse means here leaves me void right now. That kind of comfort is heavy. Its as far out of my understanding as your offer of grace to the undeserved. I suppose they work together, because you are completely both.

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